June 30, 2011

sukeeeenyee ;D

ZARA SALE start today..hohoho...kaki ni da rce gatal2 xsbar nk g terjah butik zara. huh kurang sabar sungguh ak ni.hehe. Sebenar nya gini, bkn senang nk tgok zara wt sale kn, nk tgu YES pon lmbt lg. so exited punye psal i've already survey what to buy. ^___^
Korang pon buleyh cuci mate tgok latest collection by zara at HERE. Have fun~ (^.^)y

i want this !!! gojes kn =)    

June 29, 2011

Transformer mengamit !

Demam akademi fantasia da abis and now demam transformer plak yang melanda..hehe.TRANSFORMER 3 is OUUTTT u guys!!! i bet this time it will explode the cinema ^.^... i heard the ticket has been sold out since a day before it out..whooaa. xde can la nk tgok ari ni..huuu...but its ok, since da promise ngan my bff nk g tgok skali i tgok saturday midnight. bia lambat aslkan dpt tgok  :)

This time da xde da si hottie MeganFox. mesti guy out there feels soo sad kan sbb da hottie da ditukar.hehe. but the new lead pon ape kurang nyer.Rosie Huntington. howwtt gitu model la ktekn..ahhaha..but still shia is the star..
Rosie                                 Megan


soo exited to watch it..sape2 yg blom berkesempatan nk g tgok cm i ni, faster grab a ticket coz lao lambat alamat er kene la duk kt 'vip' sit a.k.a sit teleng kpale.tao npe panggil cmtu?  because sit korang adalah dkt row yg dpn2.screen dpan2 mte nokk. so spanjang muvie uh mmg confirm yg korang akan mendongak utk tgok. ha vip sangat kn.hehehe. But hopefully x la kn.. xfeel woh plus sangat lah menyiksakan.. Anyway happy watching ~

much much love,

#1 Wordless Wednesday

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much much love,

June 27, 2011


Alhamdulillah.. Syukur pda mu ya Allah..result utk sem 4 tersangat melegakan. pointer naik ^______^... Walaupun still x mencapai angka 4 rata p ak sangat puas hati. asalkan jgn drop sudah. mmg masak la nk kne menjawab ngan parent n lg2 abg2 ak..haiihh..mintak dijaoh kan la.. 

ak bernazar klo pointer naek lg ak nk g ptong rambut.hehe. yela rambut ak pon da mmg panjang kn so xpela..ni ngah pk2 nk wt style cmne..nk rebond, or curl, or ptong sket je, atau massive change potong jd pendek..haiiyaaa da lme gle x g ptong rmbut ni..sayang weyh.. -__-" hmm any sugestion?? hmm anyway pape pon xkesah la aslkan sesuaii ngan ak nok..ahakkss..

ssmbil tgu mak ak blik ni sso sempat la mghapdep blog tersayang ni kan.. lmbat plak mak ak blik tah ape jela mesyuarat nyer kt balai raya uh..tah2 attend meeting ngan ahli2 mesyuarat tingkap (mkcik2 kt area umh ni yg ske gosip2) dlu b4 blik kowt..haha.. da x sbar nk bgtao berita baik ni..nk bg SURPRISEE~!!  huuhuu..mesti mak ak happy kankan =) ak ni pon da asyek dok snyum je dpd td..haa x bhenti2 ak senyum da cm hape da..ngee..alhamdulillah sangat2.

tgokk leba na sonyum eh tu.. erk why did i look like i've gain a few pound? nono..pic ni kn da edit..aahahaha..~

till then..papai

much much love, 

June 26, 2011



Kerajinan melanda..so, this is the second post for today..hehe.. The idea of this entry is to get to know "p.l.a.n.k.i.n.g".. selama ak hidop ni rce er xpenah ag ak dgr pkataan uh.. ape kejadah nyer planking nih?? lao planting ke planning atau plankton ak tao la..so i google it..need a great effort there oke..huhu.Selepas melakukan penjelajahan yg gigih selama stengah jam kt google akhirnya ak phm. Here is what i get..

To define 'planking' it is actually the act of laying face down for a photograph. jgn terkejut lao ak kte planking ni adalah game sbenarnya. the game work like this, u have to lay down by putting ur body n face to the ground or table or object or anything with your arm to the side..klo korang firstimer cm ak yg  bru hari ni tao psal planking padahal benda ni da jd top kowt skarang on fb n kt mne2 jela. How come ak xtao? haiiiyya -.-

Bunyi cam senang je kn just baring in position meniarap dgn tangan rapat kt sisi then amek gambor. But fyi it need lot more than that. For those yg nk try planking ni mestilah berciri2 kn seorang yg hati kering atau dengan kata lain nye seseorang yg kurang perasaan malu to take the challenge. there are also few other rules that they should bare in mind. such as: 

1. You must always lay face down, ensuring your face remains expressionless for the duration of the Plank.
2. Your legs must remain straight, and together with toes pointed.
3. Your arms must be placed by your side, held straight and fingers pointed.
4. You must make it known that you are Planking. Saying ‘I am Planking’ usually get this across. Sternly    announcing it will ensure a good result.
5. Your safety should always be considered. Properly thought through Planking procedures should always go to plan. Never put your self at undue risk.
6. Every Plank that is captured must be named.

This game has been very wild n those kids are getting crazier. Their creativity in planking now comes to a stage where they planking in odd places such like trees, branches or escalators or even animals! oke lah. banyak membebel lak ak mlm ni..lyan la pics planking yg sangat wierd unik ni..hehe..

Atas signboard pon buleh..
On a bicycle
ni lagi la..mmg hati kering tol pmpuan nih

Dlm kabin flight pon jd..

Family planking

haa..yg last ni ak pon xtao la ape motif dy. btw ni kire planking gak kew? huhu.. ni planking fail kowt.apeda -.-'

If u guys want to more about planking here is the LINK..
n for lots more interesting pictures bleh like Planking Extreme Malaysia


much much love,

Apa dosa ku??

 Bgon2 tido je pg td ak pon kemas2 katil cm bese la kn, lao x kang x pasal2 mak ak bg khutbah kt ak wlaopun ari ni bkn jumaat kn..hehe. Then lpas cuci muke n wt pape yg ptot dgn bersemangat waja ak gi dapur utk mcari makan..haha.buruk prangai btol ak ni mndi pon blom makan yg di carik dlu..nk wt cner kn ak still dlm mood cti, standard la tu kn... ^__^

In shock! Tu yang ak rasa this morning.Bile ngah kusyuk bekpes kt dpur ak terpandang kiko, yakni spesis kucing yg ak pon xtao baka ape yg dh lme fmily ak bela dr kecik kowt. Skali pandang mmg cm normal je ak tgok dy but then ak pandang blik cm de smtink wrong ngan kaki dy. Ak cakap sendiri npe lak kiko ni, luka sbb gdoh ke?? ish. musykil2. ak direct g kt dy nk cek sbb risau kn..tekezut beruk ak tgok ape yg jd kt kaki dy.. ha amekk ko beruk pon xde tekezut cm ak..kt bhagian kaki dy kne CUKUR!! x cye tgok ni...


 Besar kowt kesan dy. ak x habis fikir la manusia mne yg snggup wt cmni kt kucing ak ni. ko dpd planet mne ha? xde hatiperut btol. atau mybe skru kt kpale ko da kurang satu gaknyer! eishhh. SENNGGGAAALLLL~ dh xde keje cgt gaknyer. mmg GILE la owg uh. Ape la slh kucing ni kt dy..haisshhh. geramm sesangat tao! mse ak ngah syok2 on9 kt hall abang ak dtg kt ak, dy punyer la mrah cmpai2 kuar idea gile dy....dy cakap..

abang : dik, cpt la siap ak nk bwk ko g jumpe bomoh ni!
ak: ko nk wpe lak ajk ak jmpe bomoh, ko demam ke pe bang??
abang: ko teman la ak. ak nk g jmpe bomoh nk mandremkn owg yg wt dajal kt kiko uh.. 
ak: la..bia btol ko..
abang: ha la, kuang ajo btol owg uh. ak nk bg dy rce 'panas' bia dy xsenang dduk.. *pas uh dy tros blah...

errrkkk~ dgn kening yg cm da nk bcantum ak pndang pelik kt dy. xkan la kowt -____-'  p ak tao dy xserius sal hal bomoh uh..hmm harap2 la.huhhuhu.. Yela ak phm, xkn la korang xmarah kn bile tgok kucing korang kne dajal gitu da la kiko uh kucing kesayang abg ak...lao blik2 je umh, nk tgok tb, bsantai, nk mkn, even nk tido pon  kiko yg d crik er dlu.mrh btol dy.xcye tgok ni....hehe..

p/s to owg yg wt dajal uh: wt2 la btaubat oke! INSAF LA~  engat la sesungguh nya setiap perbuatan manusia tu, sama ada besar atau kecil Allah SWT akan memberi balasan Nya. just lmbat atau cepat je yg kte xtao.. =)

much much love,

June 23, 2011



Entry ni di buat just utk share rse TERKILAN ak kt management 1 online shop. ak ni bleyh di kte kn inmature la dlm bab2 jual beli through online ni. Infact this is my first time kot. last week ak de view blog deowang n decide nk bli 1 shawl ni. ak pon fill in the form yg da mmg wajib utk di isi la kn da kte pon nk make order..apeda..hehe. Few hour pas tu dpt la confirmation email n i'll just follow the instruction and make the payment on the next day onward! but since the shop do not operate in the weekend the email will only be replied on the monday. So, bile received their reply on monday they want to see the transaction receipt. Aku reply n wanted to attach the pic of the receipt in that email but unfortunately i can't. I dunno why. Ak pon reply to them n let them know my situation. 

Unfortunately , on that monday n tuesday i was soo busy n worst is i cannot on9 to check my email as the connection prob. When i finally get to on9 honestly the first thing i do is checking my email. They insist that i have to send the transaction slip as a prove n i know it is important. i've tried again n this time the slip can finally be attach in that email. i thought i hve do evrything required n email the shop again to make clear of this issues. N they replied this "oke dear. clear. item akan dipost by tomorrow ye. thanx again :)". I feel very relief..

As i look up to their fb profile n i read this...

dan ini

 Sakit ati cgt owg kutuk2 n slahkan kte for things that kte XBUAT. Rse sangat terkilan dengan statement dpd management shop tu..they do not know the real situations n just put the blame. klo cmni la atitude deowang ckup la sekali je berurusan. Ak xkn mintak la deowa ng utk apologise sbb that is no point for that. In fact deowang pon mct x sedar yg statement deowang uh dh mnyakitkn hati org yg xbersalah.. Xpe la kn. redha je. Bia la org yg wt kt kte but kte jgn sesekali wt kt org cmtu.. hopefully soon deowang akan sedar..till  then...

much much love, 

June 22, 2011


Syarat2 yg simple  :)
  • Upload pic anda memakai shawl yg terbaik. (Pic solo sahaja)
  • Buat satu entry tentang contest ini , copy banner dan link kan.
  • Like Page IDMA TEXTILE di Facebook
  • Tag 1 orang rakan.
  • tinggalkan link anda di entry INI 
So pic yang terpilih utk join contest ni adalah ini..:)
This would be the first contest i've join since blog ni pon bru enstablish..May the luck is in my side.amin..
n to others contestant break a leg =)
Friend yg d tag adalah Rafidah Mohamad

much much love,

Blog ak "GANJIL"

Sebab musabab nye ::

most importantly becoz ak yg kte gitu
ak still xberjaya nk link en ngan fb  * need help.
just ade 1 follower aje for now * oke itu sdeh :(
ak xtao cner nk replace the bckground with another. * sgt bute it ak ni. +.+ 
blog ak xde heading.. *ehh tu pelik ke?
i have 1 post only.. *da nme pon bwu d enstablish kn.haihh apeda ak ni.
ak xde idea nk tlis ape..adess..

before sume yg ak tlis lbeh melalut n ke laut baek lh ak tido. hopefully dtg la mimpi2 yg indah gitu.cewahh..;D hope ak de lbeh bnyk idea pas ni utk mengarut menghapdet blog ni.
much much love,

June 20, 2011

Saya Budak Baru Belajar..

dolu2 myspace, then move on to fb, twitter, formspring, netblog..bla..bla..bla n now blog plak...? ada ape pd blog....? haa cejawab.cejawab..sbb da slalo cgt membuang meluang mse bce blog2 others yg cgt berinspirasi   *cewahh.pasni jd follower i ye..=) so, mcm pekara wajibulghunnah plak for me to hve one. x gitu che senah?? dengan semangat mgalahkn askar2 wataniah yg bsedia utk bjuang demi negara yg tercinta ak pon bikin la blog yg serba kekurang ni..yela kte pon budak bru belajar kn, but whateva lh jnji den dh ado blog oii..ahahahaha..*bange xpsal2 =D. 
klo korang tjumpe tao bselisih ngan blog ni sile2 la jd follower ye kerana sesungguhnya my followers adalah insan2 yg terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrFABULOUS...^____^

much much love,